Operational Modes
Config: Configuration setup, file save and restore
DNP3 Parameters: Simple check box selection of DNP3 protocol settings and options
Master: Configure operation as a master
Outstation: Configure operation as 1 to 10 outstations
Communication: Message interpretation and octet data values
Point Data: Tabular display of all input data and output commands
Change Events: List of all events reported from an outstation
Trend: Graphical plot of values/states for up to 4 selected points over a 1-hour period
DNP3 Protocol Features
Simulation of all standard SCADA objects used for reporting input data and issuing controls
Support for file transfer and device attribute objects
Display of all commonly used DNP objects including secure authentication. Does not support transmission of SA features
Display hex values of data octets next to their interpretative meanings
Automatically handle device restart, time synchronization, application confirm, user data acknowledgement, and unsolicited messages
Simple "check-box" for configuration of many DNP features such as request and response variations, numeric value data sizes, event generation, and many others
Optionally select Subset level 1, 2, or 3 simulation
Optionally generate transmission errors to verify master's error handling capabilities
Operation as a Master
Create custom list of messages to transmit
Configure each message to be sent once, periodically, or on user request (useful for issuing controls)
Edit message parameters while running
Operation as an Outstation
Simulate up to 10 outstations
Solicited and unsolicited reporting
Generates binary, analog, and counter point changes
Parameters editable on a per-point basis
Point Values View
Display binary, analog, counter input, binary output status, and analog output status points values/states and flags
Display point change time if reported by protocol
Display time and contents of binary and analog output commands
Ability to import point names from external spreadsheet
Change Events View
Lists all binary, analog, and counter change events reported from the outstation
Generates an internal "error" event when a binary change is detected in a static poll response that was not previously reported as an event
Lists messages instructed from script "log" commands
Select up to four analog, binary, or frozen counter points for trending
Graphs one "plot" for each 15-second sample period for up to 1 hour
Each "plot" is a weighted average of the point value over the sample period
For frozen counters, plots accumulation between freeze operations