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CDOAN-DNP3 is a Windows-based exerciser, test tool, and protocol simulator for DNP3 protocol, available for a fraction of the cost of other similar products


Operational Modes

  • Serial and LAN/WAN

  • Solicited and unsolicited

  • Communication Options

    • Listen to active communication

    • Simulate a master (supports external scripting via editor)

    • Simulate 1 to 10 outstations


  • Config: Configuration setup, file save and restore

  • DNP3 Parameters: Simple check box selection of DNP3 protocol settings and options

  • Master: Configure operation as a master

  • Outstation: Configure operation as 1 to 10 outstations

  • Communication: Message interpretation and octet data values

  • Point Data: Tabular display of all input data and output commands

  • Change Events: List of all events reported from an outstation

  • Trend: Graphical plot of values/states for up to 4 selected points over a 1-hour period

DNP3 Protocol Features

  • Simulation of all standard SCADA objects used for reporting input data and issuing controls

  • Support for file transfer and device attribute objects

  • Display of all commonly used DNP objects including secure authentication. Does not support transmission of SA features

  • Display hex values of data octets next to their interpretative meanings

  • Automatically handle device restart, time synchronization, application confirm, user data acknowledgement, and unsolicited messages

  • Simple "check-box" for configuration of many DNP features such as request and response variations, numeric value data sizes, event generation, and many others

  • Optionally select Subset level 1, 2, or 3 simulation

  • Optionally generate transmission errors to verify master's error handling capabilities



Operation as a Master

  • Create custom list of messages to transmit

  • Configure each message to be sent once, periodically, or on user request (useful for issuing controls)

  • Edit message parameters while running


Operation as an Outstation

  • Simulate up to 10 outstations

  • Solicited and unsolicited reporting

  • Generates binary, analog, and counter point changes

  • Parameters editable on a per-point basis


Point Values View

  • Display binary, analog, counter input, binary output status, and analog output status points values/states and flags

  • Display point change time if reported by protocol

  • Display time and contents of binary and analog output commands

  • Ability to import point names from external spreadsheet


Change Events View

  • Lists all binary, analog, and counter change events reported from the outstation

  • Generates an internal "error" event when a binary change is detected in a static poll response that was not previously reported as an event

  • Lists messages instructed from script "log" commands



  • Select up to four analog, binary, or frozen counter points for trending

  • Graphs one "plot" for each 15-second sample period for up to 1 hour

  • Each "plot" is a weighted average of the point value over the sample period

  • For frozen counters, plots accumulation between freeze operations

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